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Art, Architecture and Design
The AMICO (Art Museum Image Consortium) Library is an online collection of digital documentation of works of art from around the world. Images, text and multimedia represent a broad range of works of art in AMICO highlighting the creative output of cultures around the world, from prehistoric to contemporary times, and covering the complete range of expressive forms. Cultures and time periods represented range from contemporary art, Native American and Inuit art, to ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian works, along with Japanese and Chinese works. Each slide has an accompanying catalog record in the database.
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Anthropology and Archaeology; Art, Architecture and Design; General and Reference Works
Anthropology Plus combines Anthropological Literature from Harvard University and the Anthropological Index, Royal Anthropological Institute from the UK. Anthropology Plus provides worldwide indexing of journal articles, reports, commentaries, edited works, and obituaries in the fields of social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, material culture, and interdisciplinary studies. The index offers coverage of all core periodicals in the field in addition to local and lesser-known journals. Coverage is from the late 19th century to the present.
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Ancient Greek and Roman Culture; Art, Architecture and Design; Anthropology and Archaeology; Medieval Studies
Arachne is intended to provide archaeologists and Classicists with a free internet research tool for quickly searching hundreds of thousands of records on objects and their attributes. This combines an ongoing process of digitizing traditional documentation (stored on media which are both threatened by decay and largely unexplored) with the production of new digital object and graphic data.
Arachne (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut)
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Art, Architecture and Design
Art Full Text is a bibliographic database that indexes and abstracts articles on art and related disciplines from periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins published throughout the world. There is full-text coverage for selected periodicals. In addition to articles, Art Full Text indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals. Indexing coverage begins 1984; abstracting coverage begins with 1994; full-text coverage begins with 1997. It is an online counterpart to: Art Index, published in print from 1929. For indexing of articles covering the period 1929-1984, there is a related database, Art Retrospective.
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Art, Architecture and Design; General and Reference Works
Index of 420 art publications, including important yearbooks and select museum bulletins, from around the globe, reflecting coverage provided from 1929 through 1984. It is an online counterpart to the print publication Art Index. For indexing, abstracting, and selected full-text coverage for the years 1984 to present, there is a related database, Art Full Text.
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Art, Architecture and Design; General and Reference Works
Abstracts of journal articles, books, essays, exhibition catalogs, dissertations, and exhibition reviews. The scope of ARTbibliographies Modern extends from artists and movements beginning with Impressionism in the late 19th century, up to the most recent works and trends in the late 20th century. Photography is covered from its invention in 1839 to the present. A particular emphasis is placed upon adding new and lesser-known artists and on the coverage of foreign-language literature. Approximately 13,000 new entries are added each year. Published with title LOMA from 1969-1971.
At the Library:
Art » Reference (Non-circulating) » Z5935 .L2 ... in-library use only
SAL3 » Stacks » Z5935 .L2 ... must be paged/requested
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Art, Architecture and Design
Features a collection of resources for art dealers and art buyers, presented by the Artnet Worldwide Corporation. Includes categories such as artists, galleries and museums. Includes database of auction prices, available to subscribers, and a monthly electronic publication: Artnet newsletter. Contains a site search engine.
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Art, Architecture and Design; General and Reference Works; Communication and Journalism
Arts & humanities citation index (Compact disc ed.)
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter (Non-circulating) » Z5937 .A8B in-library use only
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Art, Architecture and Design
Searchable database of more than 300,000 images applicable different times, cultures, and disciplines. Combination of images, data, and texts provides comprehensive art-related teaching, learning, and researching capabilities. Can view and analyze images through features such as zooming and panning.
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Art, Architecture and Design
A database of information about North American artists, including names, birth and death dates, state or local affiliation, fields in which artist worked, book and periodical references to artist, dealers and museums where works may be viewed, auction prices of works, some biographical details, etc. Aims at being an unbiased source of information about the commercial value of each artist's work through a comprehensive system of comparables. Database began construction in 1983.
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Art, Architecture and Design
Offers a comprehensive listing of journal articles published worldwide on architecture and design, archaeology, city planning, interior design, and historic preservation. Avery indexes not only the international scholarly and popular periodical literature, but also the publications of professional associations, US state and regional periodicals, and the major serial publications on architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia. Expanded coverage includes obituary citations. Coverage is from 1934 to the present
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Art, Architecture and Design
Content is based on the 2006 English-language edition of Emmanuel Bénézit's Dictionary of artists. Contains artist biographies, auction records, exhibition histories, museum listings, bibliographies, images of artists signatures and monograms.
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Art, Architecture and Design
Provides integrated text and image content on world dress and fashion throughout history. Offers fully cross-searchable access to an expanding range of Berg content collections, including the Berg encyclopedia of world dress and fashion online, e-books, reference works, images, and more.
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Art, Architecture and Design
A database search engine covering European and American art from late antiquity to the present. BHA indexes and abstracts art-related books, conference proceedings and dissertations, exhibition and dealer's catalogs, and articles from more than 2,500 periodicals. Includes coverage of: Repertoire international de la litterature de l'art (RILA) (published from 1975 to 1989); and: Repertoire d'art et archeologie (RAA) for the years 1973 to 1989.
Bibliography of the history of art (Online)
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Art, Architecture and Design; British and Commonwealth History
"The approximately ten thousand cartoons in the British Cartoon Collection at the Library of Congress were published primarily between 1780 to 1830, an era dominated by the prodigious talents and prolific efforts of such famous caricaturists as James Gillray and George Cruikshank. The cartoons highlight aspects of British political life, including tensions with its colonies and other nations, as well as society, fashion, manners, and theater. Currently descriptions for about twenty-five per cent of the British Cartoon Collection are available online. A portion of the online records are accompanied by digital images--generally those for which reproductions have been requested."
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Art, Architecture and Design; British and Commonwealth History; British and Commonwealth Literary Studies
A database of thousands of prints and book illustrations from early modern Britain in fully-searchable form, with ancillary facilities aimed to enhance understanding and appreciation of the material it presents, such as various resources contextualising prints and printmaking, as well as original research on British prints to 1700.
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Art, Architecture and Design; Environmental Studies
Database to help building-industry professionals design and build construction projects that minimizes ecological impact and maximizes economic performance. Includes access to Environmental building news articles, lists for GreenSpec products and specification guidelines, and detailed project case studies of high-performance buildings.
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Art, Architecture and Design
The College Art Association publishes "CAA. Reviews, " an electronic journal that offers peer reviews of new books in the fields of art and art history. The reviews are published on a continual basis. Items that are reviewed include national and international museum and gallery exhibitions, academic conferences, and electronic media, as well as books on art-historical criticism, arts education and policy, film, curatorial studies, and more.
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Art, Architecture and Design; Race and Ethnicity; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
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American History; Sociology; Art, Architecture and Design; Language; American Literary Studies; Race and Ethnicity; Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Portions of the database were published and sold separately as the Chicano periodical index; the Chicano index; Arte Chicano; the Chicano anthology index; and the Chicana studies index. Beginning with Version 3.5, the coverage of the Chicano database on CD-ROM expanded to includes bibliographic information on Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American refugees as well as persons of Mexican heritage. Citations begin in mid-1960s and index terms are from the Chicano thesarus and are built into the system.
At the Library:
Green » InfoCenter (Non-circulating) » E184 .M5 C43 in-library use only

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